When referring to the drone and AAM communities, many people say, “The sky is the limit.” It’s really not. Aviation relies heavily on space assets to enable critical operational functions, such as position, navigation and timing (PNT), terrain avoidance systems, command, control, communication, cyber and intelligence data links and more. Join this panel of space and spectrum experts as they explain the parallel universe of laws, regulations, governing bodies, frameworks, authorities and policies that govern what happens in space that affects aviation operations in the sky and on the ground. It’s going to be out of this world!
- 🚀 Space & Drones: The Hidden Link in Aviation’s Future
- 🛰️ How Satellites Power Your Drone Flights
- 🗺️ PNT: The Space Tech Behind Precision Navigation
- 📡 Spectrum Wars: Securing Airwaves for AAM
- 🌌 Space Law 101: Regulations Shaping Drone OpsJoin our expert panel as they reveal:
– Critical space assets enabling drone & AAM operations
– The complex web of space regulations affecting aviation
– Future challenges in spectrum allocation for UAVs
– How space policy impacts your drone business - Featuring insights on:
– Satellite-based PNT systems for autonomous flight
– Space debris management for safer skies
– International space law and its effect on drone ops
– Emerging space technologies revolutionizing AAM - Discover the cosmic connection powering aviation’s future!